Heritage Spinning & Weaving | Downtown Lake Orion. MI USA
(248) 693-3690

Building a Spinner’s Portfolio to Become a Better Spinner – class 5 of 9

July 19 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

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Day/Date/Time: Saturdays, 3/15, 4/12, 5/17, 6/21, 7/19, 8/23, 9/20, 10/25, and 11/22/25, from 10:00 am to Noon. This class meets 9 times.

Description: A series of workshops and exercises designed to improve spinning skills and knowledge. The goal of this series is to fine tune your own spinning abilities and to be able to plan for and complete a project using your own handspun yarn. Throughout this series, you will be working on building a portfolio of skills through exercises designed to help you fine tune your skills and document your progress.

Most of the topics will be presented in lecture format with demonstration. You will be given assignments to be completed on your own time between classes, with support through a dedicated online Facebook forum between lectures. Lectures will be once per month. Previous assignments will be reviewed at each lecture and must be completed, as skills build on each other in this program. Expect to spend at least 1 hour/week on homework. Most days students will be able to stay and spin after class is over.

Topics Covered:

  1. All About Your Spinning Wheel
  2. Thick and Thin : Discovering the range of your wheel
  3. Worsted spinning
  4. Woolen spinning
  5. Balanced plying
  6. Measurement tools/ How to describe your yarn
  7. Recreating a commercial yarn
  8. Is it project worthy?
  9. Bringing it All Together – Designing a project

Required supplies/equipment/books: Spinning Wheel (either traditional or e wheel) in good working order. 3-inch 3 ring binder or large penda flex folder for your portfolio. Optional: 3X5 notecards, hole punch, spiral notebook for your own notes.

*Class fee does not include material fees of $20.00 to $40.00 per session that will be payable to instructor at the beginning of each class. Materials include lecture notes and sample folders, as well as 2-4 oz of wool each month to complete monthly assignments.

Prerequisite: Students should be reasonably comfortable with using the wheel they have and able to spin a single and ply two singles together before taking the class.

Instructor: Summer Swanwick

Maximum: 6 students

*Fee: $400.00 (does not include materials fees – see required supplies for more information)



July 19
10:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT


Heritage Spinning & Weaving
47 E. Flint ST
Lake Orion, MI 48362 United States
View Venue Website