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Day/Date/Time: Wednesdays, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 11/8, 11/29, 12/6, and 12/13, 2023, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. This class meets 8 times.
Description: Are you interested in learning to use Knit Companion? The best way is to use it to knit a pattern that you really want to knit. In this class you will learn how to create a project, set up charts to identify and count stitches, move the row counter, remind you of buttonhole rows, join charts together, and much more. And, at the same time, you will be knitting the beautiful Merran Lace Cardigan from the 2022 Shetland Wool Week Annual. It is intricate, exquisite, and a real piece of Shetland history. View the pattern and more details about it on Ravelry at
Each week there will be new things to learn about Knit Companion, as well as things to consider about length, buttonholes, grafting, knitting lace, and size, as you knit the pattern. Since this is a ZOOM class, you will be able to see the instructor’s screen as she demonstrates knitting techniques and how to use Knit Companion.
Required Supplies/Equipment/Books:
Prerequisite: This is an advanced-intermediate level knitting class. You must be able to read and follow a lace chart. You should have at least basic lace knitting experience. You will need basic computer skills like being able to download, save, and find files, and connect to ZOOM.
Pre-Class Prep: Download the files noted above to the device that will be used for Knit Companion. Download Knit Companion and upgrade to setup+essentials on the same device. Download current version of ZOOM to both devices. Read the first two or more pages of the pattern. Explore the Knit Companion website, be sure to read the FAQs. We strongly recommend that you create a folder on your devices for this project to keep all your files together.
Instructor: Cherie Cornick, Master Hand Knitter
Maximum: 10 students
Fee: $150.00