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Day/Date/Time: Sunday, 6/11/2023, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. This class meets once.
Description: If you have ever wanted to modify a published pattern or create your own, then this class is for you. We will talk about color, basic structures, yarn size, sizes of finished pieces and more. Knowing how to approach a new project from the start is an important tool in a weaver’s toolbox. This class will increase your confidence immeasurably. This is an entry level class.
Required Supplies/Equipment/Books: Please bring a calculator and note-taking materials.
Prerequisite: Basic understanding of weaving. Class is appropriate for rigid heddle weavers, but is designed for multi-shaft weavers.
Pre-Class Prep: Email prior to class with any specific questions you have.
Instructor: Su Hatfield
Maximum: 8 students
Fee: $50.00