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Day/Date/Time: Monday, 3/27/2023 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (in person). This class meets once.
Description: The knitted gauge swatch is the gateway to making garments that fit. How do you measure accurately? How big should a swatch be? How do you swatch for circular knitting? When should I swatch? These and many other gauge related questions will be answered. Gauge swatches help you knit with more confidence. Come with curiosity and an open mind and kick start your knitting. Class fee includes yarn and handout.
Required Supplies/Equipment/Books: US 7 needles large enough to cast on 30 sts (about 6”).
Prerequisite: Must know how to CO, BO, knit and purl.
Pre-Class Prep: None
Instructor: Joan Sheridan
Maximum: 12 students
Fee: $40.00