Heritage Spinning & Weaving | Downtown Lake Orion. MI USA
(248) 693-3690

TNNA 2009 Gets Started


It has begun. The summer TNNA tradeshow opens tomorrow. This show is the largest US event for buying yarn, needlepoint supplies and related “stuff.” For the first time, I’ve taken products developed at Heritage to the show. We’ve got a booth and are selling our Knitting Boot Camp curriculum, My Little Knitting Book, and more than 30 different patterns to other yarn shops. It is very, very exciting!

This is a shot of an informal picnic (celebratory luncheon?) after we got the booth set up. That’s Jae on the left, she’s helping me wo-man the booth, me, and Jae’s roomie Amy Polcyn, a Michigan knitwear designer. In fact, the skirt Michelle knit that was shown in a recent HSW newsletter was one of Amy’s designs published in Creative Knitting. Small world.

The show opens tomorrow. A crew from the store will be here to scout the floor and ferret out all the good things I need to check out and consider ordering for fall delivery. I’d never ever be able to “do” the whole floor without help. It is HUGE.

So, the adventure begins. Will keep you posted!

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